Art Trading and Finance
is a financial Art adviser deploying its expertise on the Art market.
Composed of recognized financial professionals and passionate of Art,
our team will accompany you and guide you in the best of your interest
to build or expand your collection.
Art is an alternative heritage investment accessible to
all profiles of collectors and investors.
Art Consultant

Michel Santi - Founder and General Manager
French - English - Arabic - Turkish
Fine art collector – Expert in financial engineering – Strong negociation skills – International art and financial network – Author of several books on marcro economics
MICHEL SANTI, General Manger of Art Trading and Finance, started his career as a foreign exchange trader in 1986 and became head of forex trading desks for several major banks in Switzerland.
In 1993, he co-founded his own wealth management company in Geneva, Switzerland, and created several hedge funds, while teaching economics as a university professor. He has served as an advisor to various central banks and sovereign funds in emerging countries.
Moreover, he is the author of several books on macroeconomics and the financial industry and writes weekly columns for daily financial newspapers in Switzerland, France and Lebanon.
Since 2007, he has contributed to his own blog, www.michelsanti.fr. This economic and financial website is one of the most widely viewed and read in Switzerland and France.
Michel started his own fine art collection in 2007. It focuses mainly on impressionist and surrealist art. This passion and experience led him to create Art Trading and Finance in 2015. The company is incorporated in Geneva, Switzerland.

Christian-Marc Keller - Founder and Director of Administration
Swiss German - German - French - English - Italian
Strong Experience in administration – Organisational skills – Director of human resources – Elaboration and implementation of marketing strategies on the social networks
CHRISTIAN-MARC KELLER, Administrative Director of Art Trading & Finance, has a Swiss banking diploma and over 30 years experience in the accounting and administrative departments of Swiss, American and Arabic Banks.
In 1993, he created his own wealth management company in Geneva. Hence he could apply his organizational skills, computer programming and structural set-up knowledge as executive director and chief of staff of his company.
Constantly looking for new challenges, his love for renovation and building construction led him, in 2002, to create and to perform all the infrastructure and logistics as well as the architectural renovation of a hotel boutique restaurants in the Middle East.
With a practical mind and a talent in designing residential constructions, he continues to regularly conduct renovations and building constructions in different countries.
ATF is a new challenge for him to combine his experience, creativity and organizational skills in the prestigious world of art.

Phlippe Tardy - Sales Director
French - English - Spanish - Russian
Philippe has several diplomas from French universities. On a professional level, he has an accomplished experience of sales and marketing director within important financial firms throughout the world.
He has chosen now to dedicate his talents to Art Advisory.

Linda Benbouaziz - Sales Representative
French - English - Arabic
Linda has a proven experience in real estate and in finance advising clients to the best of their interests.
She has been head of sales for real estate and financial companies the last 25 years and she now uses her knowledge and passion at the service of collectors and of investors willing to diversify in art.