The banking system has greatly changed. Banks are increasingly charging negative rates. This means that when you deposit your money in the bank, the amount decreases every day. For savers, this is a real concern. What should you do with your assets? Art Trading & Finance offers an alternative to investing in the stock market. Today, you risk a financial bubble bursting at any time, since its value has multiplied so rapidly and in such an abnormal way, with no correlation with the real economy, which is on its knees. In this article, we suggest an interesting, lucrative and constructive solution to the legitimate concern you have. Let's see how.
Negative rates: What to do?
Let's first analyze the situation together, so that we can then give you the right advice.
It is important to act calmly, thoughtfully and open-mindedly when facing this phenomenon of negative rates which leads the individual you are to no longer know what to do. The situation is as follows: central banks have imposed negative rates on commercial banks. This was done in order to stimulate the economy.
But commercial banks have a different vision of things. They would rather invest the fortune – generated by money printing – in the stock markets. This creates a financial bubble which, according to our analysis at Art Trading & Finance, will eventually burst.
Indeed, the surge in stock market shares since March 2020, that is, since the confinement, is worrying. Why is this? Because it is not in sync with the real economy, and reality always ends up catching up with us.
Tangible assets are the solution
Tangible assets are the solution because the rent of money charges the individual instead of bringing revenue. Since the stock markets threaten to burst... it is a matter of protecting oneself by purchasing tangible assets.
What is a tangible asset? It is an element that comes out of a very concrete reality. It is something that was built to last.
At Art Trading & Finance, we offer you the opportunity to make a profit by investing in works of art; which are, in fact, physical objects that can be admired, touched and owned. Whether you have an important estate or inherited a small sum, you logically do not want it to be eaten up by these negative interest rates, which are little by little, inexorably nibbling away at your fortune or your inheritance.
Investing your money in works of art is therefore a particularly interesting idea for you. Not only does it allow you to avoid having your money eroded by time and bank charges, it allows you, above all, to see your assets grow!
For this, two conditions are essential. Surround yourself with professionals from both fields at once, art and finance.
Professionals in finance and art
Art Trading & Finance, a company based in Geneva but active all over the world, offers you support in these two areas.
Indeed, this company, created by Michel Santi and his partner, is especially at the leading edge in these two areas combined. The company's mission is:
· to know how to listen to the customer, his needs, his possibilities and to answer them with speed and professionalism;
· to know about the geopolitical aspects that are shaking up the world;
· to be a talented and recognized economist;
· to know what to buy and when to buy it;
· to be able to understand the story of a work of art and extrapolate its future in a rational and comprehensive way;
· to know the secrets of promoting a work of art;
· to know the network that allows one to act effectively in this direction;
· to be a fine connoisseur of the art field, by passion as well as by profession;
· to offer all logistical solutions in order to make this project concrete and tangible.
Economist, financier, art dealer and entrepreneur
Michel Santi is all of those things. This is why, with a very successful experience in creating a SME in the field of finance, employing up to forty people, he decided a few years ago to offer this original and very useful service; especially at this time when society is in a state of upheaval and is asking for new, innovative answers.
As you will see by reading his blog, Michel Santi is all of these things and more. As an essayist, he has written many books on finance. He is well ahead of his time and has notably been prefaced by Edgar Morin, something you can also see in this blog.
You will discover that Michel Santi is a different and passionate voice, because he was so often right ahead of his time. He is also a columnist who is read and listened to in several renowned media in France, Switzerland and Lebanon.
Michel Santi has also been an independent advisor to several central banks. He is therefore very familiar with the system, its strengths and pitfalls. He can share his extensive knowledge with you.
Art is an important security for your assets
Indeed, you can choose safe values or rising artists. Michel Santi and the ATF team have a fine geopolitical knowledge of the world situation, as well as a great hindsight on the art and financial markets. They know how to advise you by taking the core of your concerns into account and by bringing concrete solutions.
Art is a tangible asset. Even in the event of a major crisis, your assets remain in your hands. Consequently, this very concrete investment remains a safe haven for your assets.
It is important to know that with the four-pillar method implemented by Art Trading & Finance, the security of your investment is our daily priority and the real strength of this investment, which can turn out to be highly profitable.
In any case, it is an investment that is much more profitable than other solutions which nowadays only damage your assets, or even lead you to disaster if the phenomenal income from the stock market leads you to be hypnotized without awareness of reality. You could then be dragged along with many others into the coming debacle. But, we wish you a much better future!
A contact free of obligation with ATF
Enough idle talk. We offer you a concrete action and a direct contact, with no obligation, in order to discuss the specificity of your situation and your needs.
We will be pleased to answer you.
Your team at ATF